Daniel Shen, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Friday 4 May 2007]
Tecom, a maker of network equipment in Taiwan, is developing WiMAX station equipment through cooperation with Intel and Israel-based Alvarion, with a series of products to be available by the end of 2007, according to company chairman Chao-kai Liu.
Tecom, amid Taiwan-based makers of communication/network equipment undertaking government-sponsored R&D projects, is the only one engaging in WiMAX stations, Liu indicated. While quite many Taiwanese makers have been developing and/or producing WiMAX CPE (customer premises equipment), Tecom is developing large, small and micro WiMAX stations, Liu pointed out.
Tecom is also developing WiMAX CPE, but focuses on IADs (integrated access devices) which simultaneously support data transfer and VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) through WiMAX, which could be used in place of ADSL and support for Wi-Fi at the user side, Liu noted.